Our purpose is to make disciples who make disciples
G2 is much bigger than a Sunday meeting because it’s made of friendships and relationships, a positive picture of family; a place where people are supported and encouraged in everyday life.
Our vision is to be a place where people can discover hope in Jesus. Creating space for discovery is key to who we are, as we are all on a journey to knowing Jesus more.
The discoveries we make lead to deeper discipleship. Our vision is to see people living for Jesus every day of the week. Through a commitment to discipleship and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us and heal us.
Our lives then become a witness for God. Our vision is that more people encounter Jesus through friendships and relationships as we share our faith.
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.
1 Peter 3:18
The story of G2
Discover how G2 started, what the past 20 years have looked like and what god is calling us into.